Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lovest thou Me?

so it is currently passed midnight and im blogging from my phone which reminds me of the day and age we are currently living in, and which also reminds me of how great my phone really is. I honestly want to be a pretty consistent blogger, just like i'd like to be pretty consistant with anything I'm doing; so here it is.

Often times in talking to people who read the Word you'll find conversations on favorite bible figures or persons, favorite books, and favorite passages or single verses, etc.
Now before I go on I have to clarify that I completely understand that when something is a favorite it's usually because of an idea that relates, or can be personalized. I dig that, I really do, because it makes absolute sense.
Personally, I find my bible favorites to be based on demonstration of acts far more greater than I could ever try to relate to my life.
Things like the ten plagues being cast upon the house of Egypt, fire falling from heaven, wisdom given to a man who simply wanted to lead a people, nations chanting the name of a shepherd boy who sought after the heart of an invisible being, and so on. I find myself amazed at these tales of people who became selfless for the cause of their God, which was not known by name in their time.
But for me, I don't find my favorite in one verse, one figure, but rather in One event, or episode whiich shaped the lives of men of wisdom, fisher men, or even a revelator...
John chapter 21 shows us that this Christ had unfinished business with his apostles even after completeing the task of Calvary.
Jesus appears unrecognizable to his followers, he sets the coals and the fire for a meal on the bay of a small sea. He breaks the fragile confusion with a simple, yet deep question to a familiar disciple by the name of Simon Peter.

"Simon, son of Jonah, lovest thou me more than these?" after answering "Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee", to which Jesus simply commanded him to feed his lambs.

It wasn't long before Jesus asked him again. In which the replies were the same.
Again, not long after that to which the scripture tells us that Peter's heart was greived because he had asked him a third time. Peter finally opened his heart and I believe he was broken and sincere in this moment to say the least and cried out "Lord, thou knowest ALL things, and you KNOW I Love you" and with a gentle, inviting voice, the same voice that calmed a raging sea, Jesus says, "follow me".

Although I can personalize myself to this story, much like everyone of us can; this isn't what draws me to this chapter, but instead its the closing. You see, the other three writers of the gospels close their writings with the words of Christ and the great commission, but John closes it with this
"and there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen"

So there it is. Not bad for a blog given through my phone, eh? What year is this? :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I'm feeling a bit hesitant as to how I want to start this blog. I'm not sure if it's because I've been away from my writing/blogging for a while or because of the fact that I maybe have been searching for a new blogging platform (which by the way would be my second platform and third blog address, yikes).
Anyways, so I've been away for about 5 months now, and in my time that seems to be forever without writing or translating my thoughts for the little group of readers I get here and there. Believe me, it wasn't in my plans to be on halt for this long; I guess I was in such a state of limbo that I was constantly experiencing feelings and emotions that I thought were gone for good, but obviously most folks know how that goes. There is nothing but frustration when you're trying to bleed something out of your system that's become part of you in a sense, and it isn't easy because it feels like you're denying yourself and I'm sure no one enjoys that process. Right?

I'll reserve more of this for a later blog. Let's move on.

I'm currently participating in a time of examination with the church I attend, and although it's unnamed I'm simply calling it "Renewal 40". It's forty days of examination in ones personal space, life, home, family, job, and anything else you can throw in there. I know in my personal life I need all the examination I can get, and that doesn't come at all easy to admit but I know for a fact you don't get any ingestion problems when swallowing your pride.

As much as I'd like to go on I think Three a.m. is way past my bed time. I'll drop in for another post when the Sun's up and about.

p.s. In no way is this examination period tied in with ramadan. Okay bye.